Friday, December 25, 2015

North Koreans can buy motorcycles with the approval fee from the government.

North Koreans can buy motorcycles with the approval fee from the government.
North Korean government once banned to buy motorcycles for abouot one year and four months.
They now allow people to buy motorcycles to collect taxes.

Almost all the Motorcycles sell in North Korea is made in China.

No Christmas in North Korea but the birthday celebration of Kim Il Sung's wife

No Christmas in North Korea but the birthday celebration of Kim Il Sung's wife.
Kim Il Sung is the grandfathe of Kim Jung Eun.

There is Christmas event in North Korea?
The answer is No.

North Korea celebrates the 24th of December because it is the date for the birthday of Kim Il Sung's wife.

North Korea has more than 11 nuclear weapons.

North Korea has more than 11 nuclear weapons.
Is it true?

The nuclear bomb dropped at Nagasaki during the world war two.
It was a 6 kg nuclear bomb and killed almost 150,000 people.
They said North Korea might have 40 kg Nuclear bomb.

In North Korea women earn mor money than men

In North Korea women earn mor money than men

The 70 percentage of the total income is from women.
It is a very rare case in the world.

The average income of women is higher than that of men because of the black market.
In the black market most workers are women.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Young students in Korea think positively about the Unification of Korea

Young students think positively about the Unification of two Koreas.

A survey was conducted about the effect of the unification of two Koreas.
119,551 students answered the survey.

58% of young students think Korea will be better after the unification of two Koreas.

About the important reason to unify two Koreas, 26.6% chose the reason to get rid of the possibility of war in Korea and 25% chose the reason for Korea to be stronger.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

North Korean young people want soccer balls

Because of Brazil World Cup, North Korean young people are interested in soccer games.
They want soccer balls rather than foods.

In 5.1 Stadium, there are no more mass airt performances, but people became to enjoy soccer games there.

More people are awear of how to enjoy sports.
What does it mean?

Sports can be a good bridge between North Korea and South Korea.

Female socce team from North Korea won the Eastern Asia Cup Soccer Game.

About 20,000 people gatered to celebrate the championship of the soccer team from North Korea.

North Korea can make good cars but not yet competitive in the global car market.

How good the cars made in North Korea are?

North Korea is making cars.
The quality of cars can be competitive in the world car markets?

I do not think so.

They have a long way to develop the quality of the cars.
The quality of cars from South Korea is very good but the the expense in the labor is getting higher and highter.

If car companies from South Korea  build a factory in North Korea and employ the manpower from North Korea, and produce good quaity cars, then the price as well as quality of cars will be very competitive the global car market.

Is it possible?

South Korean Catholic church decided to send some priest to a Catholic church in North Korea

South Korean Catholic church decided to send some priest to a Catholic church in North Korea.

North Korean people can have a religion?
It is an amazing piece of news.

Exchange in religious actitivies can play a good role in the unification of two Koreas.

Possibility of opening a liaison office from USA in North Korea

Is is possible for USA to open a liaison office from USA in North Korea.

US government wants North Korea to get rid of the nuclear weapons.
Is is the best way to open a liaison office in North Krea in order to talk directly with North Korea.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Soongshil University students participated in the class of discussion about the unification of two Koreas.

Soongshil University students participated in the class of discussion about the unification of two Koreas.

They discussed the benefits from the unification of Korea during the class.
They discussed about the location of the captial city after the unification of Korea.

Through the class, many students realized the importance of the unification of Korea.

Does North Korean Govenment want US Forces to leave Korea?

Does North Korean Govenment want US Forces to leave Korea?

The Kim Keun Shik, professor of Kyungnam University, insisted that people in South Korea should not have the wrong information about the policy of North Korea, because North Korea also want US Forces to remain in South Korea before the discustion of the unification of Korea.

But I do not think so.

North Korean govenment sometimes want US Forces to leave Korea, but sometime they accept the necessity of US Forece in South Korea.

What is the truth?

Professor Kim Keun Shihk said that many people believe that South Korean government want US Foreces to remain in Korea before South Korea discuss the unificatin of Koean peninula, but North Korean government insist US Foreces to leave Korea in order to discuss the unification of Korean peninsula.

He said on the 22nd of July in 2005 the Ministry of North Korea announced that peace in Korea can be kept without the neuclear weapon and they agreed with that US Forces should remain in South Korea.

Is this really what they have in mind?

I do not think so.

If US Forces leave South Korea, I do not think South Korea can protect itself from China and North Korea.

Online education became popular in North Korea

Online education became popular in North Korea

During the last 5 years about 10,000 students in Kimcheak University of Technology participated in online education.
I think IT technology in North Korea is improving very fast.
Online education will be possible through not noly desktop comter but also through tablet pc and cellular phones.

Usage of Made-in North Korea products is encourage by North Korean governemnt

Usage of Made-in North Korea products is encourage by North Korean governemnt.

The government of North Korea encourages people to buy and use North Korea made products,
because many people use imported products, the economy of North Korea will be weaker.

I wonder how good the quality of North Korean made products.

If North Korea is in good relationship with USA, then North Korea can export good quality product to USA.

I also want to buy good quaity product made in North Korea.
When is it possible?

Some smart young people in North Korea are ready to come into the world.

In North Korea there are many smart young people.  They are ready to compete with young studnets in the world.

North Korea is developing very fast.
In Pyongyang old apartments are replaced into new buildlings.
Pyongyang is not what it was.
In Pyongyang people with smiles can be seen easily.

Open markets are very lively in the evening without any control of North Korean government.
Open market means exchange of products through eonomic benefits.

All the classes are conducted in English at Pyongyang Univeristy of Science.
All the students are studying without paying tuition and stay in the dormitory.
Next year they plan to invite Physiologist who won the Nobel prize.

French photographer published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives

French photographer, Stephan Gladieu, published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives, but the photographer had to take pictu...