Sunday, December 8, 2019

북한의 13번째 미사일 발사 우려

최근, 북한이 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 등 미사일 엔진 시험을 준비하고 있는 듯한 
위성사진이 나왔고 더불어 이전에는 없었던 엔진 시험대에 대형 컨테이너 또한 존재하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다고 한다.  

(Source: 머니S)

한국의 중앙일보의 보도에 따르면, 김연철, 남한 통일부 장관은 북한의 미사일 도발에 대해 “(북한이) 억지력을 강화하고 있다”라고 주장을 했다. 

이날, 김장관의 답변은 큰 이슈가 되었다. 익명의 군 관계자는 “김 장관이 실제로 그런 말을 했는지 믿기지 않는다”며 “김 장관의 발언대로라면 우리 군이 북한 침략을 목표로 하고 있어 북한이 방어 차원에서 억지력을 강화한다는 게 된다”고 말했다. 그는 “우리 군은 북한 공격이 아니라 ‘국민의 생명과 재산 보호’를 최우선 목표로 한다”고 의견을 전했다.

[출처: 중앙일보] 김연철 “북한, 미사일 발사로 억지력 강화”…도발 정당화?

"Analysts believe that North Korea could launch a satellite if it does not obtain concessions from the US. This would allow it to test and show off its rocket capabilities in a less provocative way than launching a long-range ballistic missile" (BCC, 2019).

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

President Trump warned Kim Jong Un to keep the promise about denuclearization in North Korea

President Trump warned Kim Jong Un to keep the promise about denuclearization in North Korea.
President Trump wants to keep good relationship with Kim Jong Un and does not want to take military action to stop North Korea's taking any further steps toward nuclearization and demolish and destroy present nuclear weapons in North Korea.

Kim Jong Un should listen to the warning from President Trump unless he steps down from his regime.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Call Us 새터민 Not 탈북자

오늘 우연히 2016년 버전의 '비정상 회담' 재방송을 유투브를 통해 보게되었다.
영상에는 새터민 "강춘혁"님이 나와주셨고 정말 영화보다 더 영화같은 탈북이야기를 들을 수 있었다.
법에 따르면 2015년 부터는 한국으로 건너온 북한 이주민들을 "탈북자"가 아닌 "새터민"으로 개정했다.
"새터민"은 "새로운 터전에 정착한 주민"이라는 친근하고 따뜻한 의미를 지니고 있다고 한다.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

President Trump said to Kim Jong Un "You should act quickly to get the deal done. See you soon!"

President Trump said to Kim Jong Un "You should act quickly to get the deal done. See you soon!"

President Trump proposed a quick meeting to solve the nuclear deal between the USA and North Korea.
This meeting will be the third one.
I hope Kim Jong Un accepts this proposal as soon as possible.
The tension between the USA and North Korea also removes the possibility of a peaceful relationship between South Korea and North Korea.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Korean War in 1950 changed the life of my grandmother Bong Ja Han

My grandmother, Bong Ja Han, passed away a few days ago.

She was in the middle of Korean War in 1950. At that time she was attending Daejon teacher's school to become an elementary school teacher.

She had to quit her studying and escaped on foot from her home to her grandfather's house located in Goheung. I understand it took many days and nights because she had to walk toward Geheung from Daejeon on foot.

I hope there will be no war again in Korean Peninsula.

Friday, July 12, 2019

western media would rather report crisis than peace with North Korea

came across this clip today on twitter

Ranier Khalek is an independent journalist pointing out that the media would rather push fear and violence rather than promote peace and positivity

this is no surprise really as violence and danger will get more views than peace. we also know that the media is controlled by government which is in turn controlled by corporations that pay them the most. 
it is censored and crafted to sway public opinion one way or the other. 

it's a good point that she brings up though.

cant post as an embedded because it's not off of youtube but you can click on the url and see it.


Sunday, June 30, 2019

President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet at Panmunjom.

President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet at Panmunjom to discuss denuclearization in North Korea.

President Trump is the first US President who cross the border to North Korea. President Trump and Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization in North Korea for about one hour.

I hope Kim Jong Un will give up nuclear weapons and make a good decision for the economic development in North Korea and peace in Korean Peninsula.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dear souls, please hear our voice

  We know that no politician or any regime is reliable to end all the tyrannies, since their intention are all the same: to gain benefit for themselves, and greater power to rule.
  We also know that Communist regimes are afraid to talk about spirits and "afterlife". They try to convince people that all out there is nothingness after we die, so that they can do whatever they wish during lifetime and their behavior not being sanctioned. But is it so?

 With advancements in technologies, science today has stepped into a realm never been able to examine before - the spiritual world.
There are easy ways to access these information through platforms like YouTube and I'm going to share with you 2 amazing videos.

  This one is about using science and medical ways to study "afterlife".
In USA alone, hundreds of thousands of people have "Near Death Experience (NDE)".

  Another one is "Huff Paranormal" channel.
He uses some technological devices and special apps to communicate with spirits.

  Spirits' existence has nothing to do with religions or personal beliefs, and it is science's duty to proof their existence in scientific methods.

  I'm going to write a letter to the spirits and other beings below. It's just my personal suggestion, that if they do exist, they can do humanity a big favor and let many of us lead better lives:

  Dear souls and higher beings, if you are hearing our calls, please reach to the poor, oppressed, innocent North Koreans that are suffering from fear, lack of freedom, poverty and torture that are caused by the tyranny. They have done nothing wrong and just want to lead a peaceful, normal life, like people in democratic countries do. Thank you and we appreciate your kind help.

  Koreans used to be Shamans in the past, and many of them managed to communicate with the spiritual world. Modernity has replaced human's connection with the world beyond with technologies and industries, but the tie is never lost. When there are no other ways to solve and no one else to rely on, speak to the stars on the night sky, or just close your eyes and try to talk with your loved one on the other side. You might get some answers.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Introducing No Chain for North Korea

No Chain is an organization that was started by a North Korean by the name of Jung Gwang-il.

he spent time in Yodok political prison camp and was released in 2003.
Shortly after, he managed to escape his homeland

His strategy has been to send rice in bottles, radios, dvd's and information about the outside world on usb drives or sd cards.
the groups delivery method has traditionally been via the sea currents that flow towards North Korea or balloons floated over the border but they are now looking at drone delivery.
the group also helps NK refugees get out of China and in to safe countries.

i see this group as worth supporting.

you can read about Jung Gwang-il in this article

here is a video of the founder at the Oslo freedom forum which is embedded in the article but i'll post it here anyway

they have a facebook page but i think they have a website in the works

here are some pictures of the group doing their work

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

better late than never..Voices of North Korean Refugees event

this event was a few months ago now and i'm finally posting some of it here.

it was a good turnout considering the snowy conditions that night in Boston and i suspect the turnout would have been better if not for the heavy snowfall but as always it was a well organized event.

the North Korean defector gave a brief talk and then there was questions and answers after that.
then we moved over to the main hall where the arts presentation were held.

i think Cholong Park was the individual who organized this and she did an excellent job as usual.

this was the last song of the night. the only full song i recorded
the song is god bless america.
the girl starts the song off in Korean and finishes off in english
nicely done.

here is a broader view of the main hall. nice looking church.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Democracy for China is democracy for the world

This year 2019 marks 70th year of Communism's dark dominance in China.
This day, the Communist regime continues to infiltrate Democratic societies, by means telecommunication technology (such as the Huawei scandal), cyber attacks, coercive attitude of intimidation, threatening, support of other totalitarian regimes, media propaganda and spying.

Although the Communist regime brags itself as "People's Republic of China", the people of China are the most direct victims of this totalitarian regime.
They cannot even use internet platforms used in most countries, such as Google or YouTube to hear the world (unless installing VPN), while those in control - the state, has absolute freedom to control whatever they delight.

"Tank Man" protester in 1989's Tian'anmen incident. 
Till this day, people in China risk their lives to protest against the regime. 

By aiding the China to pave its way for Democracy, other countries benefit from it too, since we decrease the (military and political) threat posed by the regime.

North Korea's freedom can also be a direct result if the fall of Chinese Communist regime becomes successful.

In this era, totalitarianism, religious fanaticism and all kinds of anti-Democratic regimes must go. People have learned enough through history. Time to improve.

Student protesting in front of "Goddess of Democracy", the symbol of people's voice for freedom.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

India's important position in world Democratization

Recently, India succeeded in testing Anti-Satellite weapon.
India is the 4th country to accomplish this task, after USA, Russia and China.
With its fast growth in technology, especially space technology and IT, and also its abundant population, India can become another superpower in near future.

India is an ancient country with profound culture and wisdom, and has gone through several trials, conflict and ordeal throughout history.
In modern time, despite the ongoing challenges such as huge income gap, India has huge potential to be a peaceful promoter and moderator of World Peace and Democratization.

Similar to many countries in the Democratic world, India faces challenge from tyrannic, coercive regimes such as China and Pakistan.
With its fast development in the newest technology and peaceful raison d'etat, India can be a reliable friend in supporting Democratization of North Korea.

Friday, March 1, 2019

What can we learn from the Hanoi Summit?

  Vietnam was celebrating its Lunar New Year holiday when the 2 leaders had their 2nd summit. It took more than 2 days for Kim Jong Un to travel by train from North Korea to Hanoi.
  The talking was not super successful, and US demanded complete denuclearization, while DPRK insisted that they remain as only partially denuclearized.

(The 2 leaders enjoying meal with other government officials from the 2 countries. 
A press conference was held in midnight, 
and only journalists from USA, Russia and socialist countries were allowed to participate.)
  Nevertheless, peaceful tie and harmony is still maintained, as both leaders seemed to enjoy a good time together.
  Although not a big breakthrough, I would say that the summit was still meaningful for US, DPRK, and Vietnam.
Firstly, North Korean official had an opportunity to visit the outside world. 
Vietnam is officially a Communist/Socialist-controlled state, however,
the degree of freedom and market economy is much more advanced than DPRK, thus may perform as a role model for it.

  USA is standing firm on its position of sanction, while leaving a space for future negotiations if attitude of DPRK changes. With current level of sanction, DPRK regime will one day face its demise, thus prolonging the time and process could be more beneficial for US side.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Kim Jong Un welcomes the USA liaison office at Pyongyang.

Kim Jong Un welcomes the USA liaison office at Pyongyang.
I think the USA liaison office will play an productive role in communicating effectively between the USA and North Korea.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The second summit with Kim Jong Un will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The second summit with Kim Jong Un will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam.
I hope the summit will lead to the peace and better future in Korean Peninsula.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

the DailyNK crew..

here is a picture of the DailyNK group who do so much good investigating in regards to North Korea

they suspect that North Korean hackers are reading their publications too.

French photographer published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives

French photographer, Stephan Gladieu, published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives, but the photographer had to take pictu...