Sunday, June 30, 2019

President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet at Panmunjom.

President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet at Panmunjom to discuss denuclearization in North Korea.

President Trump is the first US President who cross the border to North Korea. President Trump and Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization in North Korea for about one hour.

I hope Kim Jong Un will give up nuclear weapons and make a good decision for the economic development in North Korea and peace in Korean Peninsula.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dear souls, please hear our voice

  We know that no politician or any regime is reliable to end all the tyrannies, since their intention are all the same: to gain benefit for themselves, and greater power to rule.
  We also know that Communist regimes are afraid to talk about spirits and "afterlife". They try to convince people that all out there is nothingness after we die, so that they can do whatever they wish during lifetime and their behavior not being sanctioned. But is it so?

 With advancements in technologies, science today has stepped into a realm never been able to examine before - the spiritual world.
There are easy ways to access these information through platforms like YouTube and I'm going to share with you 2 amazing videos.

  This one is about using science and medical ways to study "afterlife".
In USA alone, hundreds of thousands of people have "Near Death Experience (NDE)".

  Another one is "Huff Paranormal" channel.
He uses some technological devices and special apps to communicate with spirits.

  Spirits' existence has nothing to do with religions or personal beliefs, and it is science's duty to proof their existence in scientific methods.

  I'm going to write a letter to the spirits and other beings below. It's just my personal suggestion, that if they do exist, they can do humanity a big favor and let many of us lead better lives:

  Dear souls and higher beings, if you are hearing our calls, please reach to the poor, oppressed, innocent North Koreans that are suffering from fear, lack of freedom, poverty and torture that are caused by the tyranny. They have done nothing wrong and just want to lead a peaceful, normal life, like people in democratic countries do. Thank you and we appreciate your kind help.

  Koreans used to be Shamans in the past, and many of them managed to communicate with the spiritual world. Modernity has replaced human's connection with the world beyond with technologies and industries, but the tie is never lost. When there are no other ways to solve and no one else to rely on, speak to the stars on the night sky, or just close your eyes and try to talk with your loved one on the other side. You might get some answers.

French photographer published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives

French photographer, Stephan Gladieu, published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives, but the photographer had to take pictu...