Sunday, May 28, 2017

No freedom of religion in North Korea.

No freedom of religion in North Korea.
North Korean people are brainwashed to think Kim Jong Un's family as God.
Persecution on religious freedom of North Korean people must be stopped.
This is the enough reason why Korea needs to be unified as soon as possible.

Real estate market in Pyongyang is growing very fast.

Real estate market in Pyongyang is growing very fast.
Some people earn a lot of money by investing in home construction, but the quality of housing is not so good.
I think it is very dangerous if apartments are not built in good condition.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Pyongyang in North Korea has subway lines but they look very old that of 80's in South Korea.

Pyongyang in North Korea has subway lines but they look very old that of 80's in South Korea.
I think they will be surprised to see the up-to-date subway in Seoul, South Korea.



North Korea is No. 1 country in the number of dead people by air pollution.

North Korea is No. 1 country in the number of dead people by air pollution because they use trees, coal, and charcoal to cook foods or to keep houses warm in the winter.
The number of dead people in North Korea is 10 times more than that of South Korea.

North Korean people prefer dollars when they sell goods.

North Korean people prefer dollars when they sell goods.
Dollars are more welcome than North Korean currency.

I think even North Korean people do not trust the value of North Korean currency.

Money spent by foreign tourists to North Korean can contribute to nuclear weapon programs in North Korea.

Money spent by foreign tourists to North Korean can contribute to nuclear weapon programs in North Korea.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

A musical concert was held in Seoul, South Korea to share the strong wishes for the unification of Korea through musics.

A musical concert was held in Seoul, South Korea to share the strong wishes for the unification of Korea through musics.

A conference to discuss the human rights in North Korea was in the Netherlands.

A conference to discuss the human rights in North Korea was in the Netherlands.
I think 100 times more conferences must be held in South Korea.

North Korean Ambassador to UN insists that North Korea would never give up nuclear weapons.

North Korean Ambassador to UN insists that North Korea would never give up nuclear weapons.

I do not think it is a good idea.
North Korean regime ignores the fact that America can destroy all the nuclear weapons in North Korea.

Friday, May 19, 2017

President of NKinUSA, Jinhye Jo will speak about how she escaped from North Korea and what she is doing for North Korean refugees at University of Maryland college Park.

President of NKinUSA, Jinhye Jo will speak about how she escaped from North Korea and what she is doing for North Korean refugees at University of Maryland college Park.

The event will be held at 3:00 pm on Thursday, May 25 at the Kay Theatre in the Clarice smith Performing Arts center at the University of Maryland College Park.

Do you want to host your own fundraising campaign for North Korean refugees, then please contact Jason West of NKinUSA

Do you want to host your own fundraising campaign for North Korean refugees, then
please contact Jason West of NKinUSA at NKinUSA stands for "North Korean Refugees in the United States of America".

NKinUSA is a non-profit organization located in Washington D.C. to help North Korean refugees to escape safely from North Korea.  NKinUSA was founded by North Korean refugees and they testify to protect the human rights of North Korean people and the dangerous and miserable life of North Korean refugees during their escape from North Korea to free countries.

Your birthday will be more meaningful if you host a donation to help rescue human lives.
Your school life will be full of more blessed memories if your can help refugees in danger and needs.

Vice President of NKinUSA, Grace Jo will speak about the human rights of North Korean people and the problems of Chinese government's repatriation of North Korean refugees at the Annual Oslo Freedom Forum

Vice President of NKinUSA, Grace Jo will speak about
the human rights of North Korean people and the problems of Chinese government's repatriation of North Korean refugees at the Annual Oslo Freedom Forum.

She is invited to the Annual Oslo Freedom Forum as a guest of UN Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power at the UN Securities Council session on North Korean human rights.

You can watch the forum at the following website.

Towson University students launch a fund-raising to rescue North Korean refugees.

Towson University students launch a fund-raising to rescue North Korean refugees.
The fundraising is led by William Humphrey, a student of Professor Zosha Stuckey's class focusing on crowdfunding.

If you want to help North Korean refugees to deserve the right be free from persecution and life-threatening danger because of North Korean regime, please visit the following website.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

30 % of South Korean medium-sized companies think the unification of Korea will be an answer to solve the low economic growth.

30 % of South Korean medium-sized companies think the unification of Korea will be an answer to solve the low economic growth.
After the unification of Korea, South Korean companies can hire skilled workers from North Korea at low payment. South Korean small and midium sized companies have much difficulty in hiring workers.
South Korean companies can develop the natural resources and the new market in North Korea.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

President Trump can meet Kim Jong Un if North Korea decides to abandon nuclear weapons.

President Trump can meet Kim Jong Un if North Korea decides to abandon nuclear weapons.
Kim Jong Un really think he can use the nuclear weapons against the USA?
Kim Jong Un really think he can keep his regime with nuclear weapons?

50 percentage of young North Korean people are engaged in illegal private whole sale business.

50 percentage of young North Korean people are engaged in illegal private whole sale business. They deliver goods to local markets in needs on foot after they compare prices in the market by cellular phone.

North Korea will not be able to use SWIFT network any more.

North Korea will not be able to use SWIFT network any more.
North Korea will have much difficulty in sending illegal money to North Korea.

President Moon will be a good negotiator between South and North Korea.

President Moon will be a good negotiator between South and North Korea.
He wants to re-open economic cooperation and peace talk with North Korea.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

North Korea is accepting registration for Marathon event to be held in Pyongyang.

North Korea is accepting registration for Marathon event to be held in Pyongyang.
Sports event is a good way to exchange cultures with the world.

French photographer published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives

French photographer, Stephan Gladieu, published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives, but the photographer had to take pictu...