Saturday, June 30, 2018

Foreign Policy interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

Foreign Policy interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

In the interview with Foreign Policy, Grace Jo said “I want Kim Jong Un to know about the truth: that he is nothing, that he doesn’t have the power to fight with another country.”

Grace jo heads a support group for North Korean refugees, NKinUSA.

Grace Jo lost her grandmother, father, a sister, and two brothers to the famine and to government persecution before she escaped North Korea almost two decades ago.

Friday, June 29, 2018

the human rights of North Korean people after the North Korea's denuclearization

President Trump missed a chance to discuss human rights of North Korean people and North Korean refugees.
I hope President Trump will discuss about the human rights of North Korean people after the North Korea's denuclearization.

Spanish Daily Newspaper interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

Spanish Daily Newspaper interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

Grace Jo pertenece, a su pesar, a un club muy exclusivo. Hay cerca de 5.000 norcoreanos entre los 325 millones de estadounidenses, una comunidad mínima, si se compara con casi cualquier país del mundo. Ella es una de las 214 personas que tienen estatus de refugiado en EE.UU. Y una de las pocas que puede hablar sin tapujos y sin esconderse en el anonimato: no le queda familia en Corea del Norte, así que nadie sufrirá represalias por lo que diga.

Jo tiene 26 años y vive en Maryland, después de haber escapado en 2008 junto a parte de su familia de las torturas, la persecución y el «gulag» de Corea del Norte. Habla por teléfono con ABC casi a la vez que Donald Trump y Kim Jong-un aparecen ante las cámaras y se dan un apretón de manos. Es un momento histórico para su país de origen y para el que le ha acogido, pero Jo lo vive con un optimismo «a medias».

«Es bueno que Kim se abra a hablar con el presidente de EE.UU. Lo malo es que sabemos que el Gobierno de Corea del Norte nunca abandonará las armas nucleares. Solo tratan de ganar tiempo y dinero. Necesitan que se suavicen las sanciones internacionales», asegura.

Jo considera que en antes Trump estaba haciendo un buen trabajo con su posición de fuerza frente a Pyongyang. Ahora no le gusta escucharle decir que Kim «hará algo grande para su pueblo», en un país descosido por la pobreza y la represión, en el que han muerto millones de personas por las hambrunas en las últimas décadas. Para todo aquel que sufre al régimen norcoreano, la cumbre no servirá de mucho porque se ha dejado fuera los derechos humanos, asegura. «La desnuclearización es muy importante, claro. Pero también lo son los derechos humanos», exige. «¿Para qué se celebra una cumbre si no se habla de derechos humanos?»

Para Jo, la comunidad norcoreana comparte la idea de que Pyongyang no renunciará a las armas nucleares, porque es la único que les da una posición de fuerza en cualquier negociación. Conoce bien esa postura como vicepresidenta de la organización Norcoreanos en EE.UU. «Todos pensamos de forma similar al respecto» asegura. Lo mismo dice de la estrategia de Corea del Norte de limpiar la imagen de Kim, que ha pasado de ser un excéntrico y peligroso dictador a un avezado diplomático. Parte de ello, según Jo, se debe también al nuevo Gobierno de Corea del Sur, liderado por Moon Jae-in, cuyos encuentros con Kim en la frontera de ambos países contribuyeron al cambio en la percepción del dictador. «Es una operación propagandística», asegura. «Quizá Kim tenga sus propios planes y su mentalidad haya cambiado, pero el régimen y la elite de Corea del Norte nunca permitirá un cambio político de forma pacífica».

Bonchon Chicken Arlington donated for NKinUSA's 30th Anniversay and for rescuing North Korean refugees

Happy Anniversary Event of NKinUSA was held on May 30th.

Thank you to those who attended Happy Anniversary Event. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Your donation will be used to continue our efforts of rescue and resettlement.

A big thank you to Bonchon Chicken Arlington for their generous $500 donation!

Israel's Keshnet Channel 12 interviewed Jinhye Jo, President of NKinUSA

Israel's Keshnet Channel 12 interviewed Jinhye Jo, President of NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States) for a documentary on North Korea.

President of NKinUSA, Jinhye shared her experiences living in North Korea, noting the human rights abuses perpetrated by North Korean regime.

Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA, was interviewed by CNN Reporter Ana Cabrera

On June 16th, 2018 following the June 12th summit between Kim Jong Un and President Trump, Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States) was interviewed by CNN reporter Ana Cabrera to discuss Grace's perspective on the Kim regime and her experience living in North Korea.

Friday, June 8, 2018

newsletter frome Suzanne Scholte..

hello all

Suzanne Scholte has sent out another newsletter regarding activities in regards to North Koreans so just passing along.

SoonJa of NKinUSA is accepting any unwanted flash drives to format and install information to North Koreans telling them about the outside world.
you can contact her at the email below and she will get back to you.

also, i reccomend the book called "the accusation" written by a North Korean still living in North Korea.

 Dear Friends:

First up: I am pleased to share with you the link to the report on North Korea Freedom Week 2018: The Truth Will Set Them Free which is now posted on the North Korea Freedom Coalition website at  Also, posted is the letter to President Donald Trump from the North Korean defector organizations regarding his planned meeting with Kim Jong Un.
And, you can also watch many of the events and sessions that occurred during NKFW 2018 as NKFC Vice-Chair Jason West recorded and posted them at

And now for some action items:

 For those in the DC Metro Area:
TOMORROW: Join us at 9 AM Friday, June 8 for the Victims of Communism Memorial for the annual Wreath Laying Ceremony: We will once again be representing the people of North Korea and laying a wreath to remember the millions of innocent men, women and children who have died because of the Kim family dictatorship.  It is very fitting on the days just before the Trump-Kim summit to remember that North Korea is one of five remaining dictatorships where the people continue to suffer and die under the tyranny of communism that has already killed over 100 million people worldwide.   Everyone is welcome to join us for this event.  Note for the media: Park Sang Hak of Fighters for Free North Korea and Grace Jo of NKinUSA will be attending the event and available for press interviews.  You can learn more here:

For Everyone Where Ever You Are in the World:
Join us for Days of Prayer and Fasting for North Korea:  Our International Day of Prayer and Fasting during the first day of North Korea Freedom Week 2018 was so powerful we decided to set aside significant dates coming up to pray and fast  for North Korea’s FREEDOM this summer.   These dates have been set aside to pray and fast:
June 11th: to pray for the Turmp-Kim summit planned for the 12th in Singapore; 
June 25th: anniversary of the day North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 and the Korean War broke out;
August 15th: Korean Liberation Day; and
August 25th: anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK by Kim Il Song and the beginning of the Kim family’s reign of terror. 

As Rev. Thomas Belke, author of JUCHE, in his presentation to the US Congressional Briefing in January stated: fasting and prayer are the key to breaking the status quo impasse in North Korea.  Belke described our April 28th International Day of Prayer and Fasting as a Kingdom of God D Day Assault with people all over the world praying and fasting together for North Korea’s Freedom.  Now, that we have stormed the beaches, it is time to liberate the cities and the nation through prayer and fasting for North Korea’s FREEDOM.  Roxann Moss of Christians in Crisis will be updating our website April 28 website at

The Bridge US is looking for North Korean defectors in the USA who are interested in entrepreneurship and microfinance. The Bridge has already successfully been helping North Korean defectors in South Korea to start their own businesses, and now they are expanding the project to the USA. Those of you who know North Korean defectors who are interested in business and looking for microfinancing opportunities, please have them contact Charry Lee at  You can learn more at the Bridge’s website at

PSALT’s Backpack Project is Back:  PSALT is once again collecting items to help school aged North Korean refugees in the USA to be ready for school.  You can help PSALT with their backpack project by providing bulk items of 30 school supplies or toys by July 20th or donate online to help

No Chain Requesting More Flash Drives: You can help No Chain with its efforts to get information to North Korea by donating flash drives. Please visit for further information.  Note: Ji Soon Ja is collecting flash drives here in the USA and can be reached at

For folks in Seoul:
Casey Lartigue of Teach North Korean Refugees: is seeking volunteer English tutors or speech coaches.    This is a wonderful way to help North Koreans in South Korea.  Learn more at:

Free North Korea Radio Update: Free North Korea Radio continues to be the most popular single hour of programming to North Korea, and once again ranked #3 in all radio stations in South Korea.   This remarkable achievement is because of the great partnership between the defectors in South Korea who produce the broadcast and American citizens and churches who pay for the shortwave transmission.  Because of the current situation in South Korea where the Moon government has promised North Korea’s dictator that they will stop information to North Korea, the defector led organizations like FNKR are going to need even more help in the days ahead.  It is vital to keep this award winning program on the air to spread the truth to North Koreans.  Please consider becoming part of this amazing partnership – you can learn more by visiting:

For your Summer Reading: The Accusation -- Now Also Available in Paperback: We have a few hard back copies remaining but more paperback copies of The Accusation  for your summer reading.  The only dissident book from North Korea, The Accusation was written by someone still living in the DPRK who uses the pseudonym BANDI, which means “Firefly” in Korean as he is shining a light out of the darkness of the DPRK.  He is North Korea’s Solzhenitsyn. If you would like to order a copy, donate $15.50 for paper back or $20.50 for hard back on line at and will get you your copy right away!


Suzanne Scholte
Seoul Peace Prize Laureate
President, Defense Forum Foundation
Chair, North Korea Freedom Coalition

Saturday, June 2, 2018

O Estado de S.Paulo, Brazilian Newspaper interviewed with Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

O Estado de S.Paulo, Brazilian Newspaper interviewed with Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA

Quando tinha 6 anos, Grace fugiu da Coreia do Norte com a mãe e a irmã mais velha, Jinhye Jo. Na China, foram detidas e deportadas para o país de origem. As filhas foram para um orfanato, enquanto a mãe foi presa. Alguns anos mais tarde, elas voltaram a fugir para a China, onde começaram a escrever para ativistas em busca de apoio para a obtenção de status de refugiadas. Descobertas pela polícia, elas passaram 13 meses detidas em uma cidade próxima à fronteira com a Coreia do Norte. Em 2008, conseguiram ir para os EUA com apoio do programa de refugiados da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU).

Grace tinha 15 anos quando desembarcou em Seattle. Hoje, ela estuda biologia, trabalha em um consultório dentário e sonha em se tornar dentista.,o-ceticismo-de-quem-fugiu-da-ditadura-norte-coreana,70002288129

Razon, Spanish Newspaper interviewed with Vice President of NKinUSA, Grace Jo

Razon, Spanish Newspaper interviewed with Vice President of NKinUSA, Grace Jo

La infancia de Grace pasó de largo, pero su historia, como denuncia la joven de 26 años, quedará como una más entre millones y millones. Con tan sólo cinco años y medio, todo su universo giraba en torno a qué llevarse a la boca. Su familia la había convencido de que comiera todo lo que pudiera encontrar, así que ella, enferma y débil, obedecía. En una ocasión, su abuela encontró cinco ratones recién nacidos, se los cocinó y ella se los comió.

Nacida en 1991, le tocó vivir la hambruna que en los 90 acabó con la vida de entre uno y dos millones de norcoreanos, una tragedia resultado de las políticas del líder de entonces, Kim Jong Il, padre del actual dictador. De su familia cercana sólo le quedan su madre y su hermana –ambas viven con ella en EE UU–. Su abuela y sus hermanos murieron de inanición, y su padre, arrestado tras escapar a China en busca de provisiones con las que alimentar a sus vástagos, falleció de camino a prisión víctima de las torturas de los oficiales de su propio país.

De aquella época únicamente le quedan amargos recuerdos. Ni siquiera una foto de familia con la que honrar la memoria de sus hermanos, algo demasiado peligroso si en su huida era interceptada. A lo largo de una década, Grace salió del país comunista en tres ocasiones cruzando el río a nado para una vez en suelo chino, esconderse y malvivir evitando chivatazos o que las autoridades le dieran captura y la devolvieran a la tiranía. En su tercer intento, logró por fin escapar de las garras del régimen.

«El viaje de mi familia hasta encontrar la libertad duró diez años. No fue hasta que nos asentamos en EE UU cuando sentí que finalmente estaba a salvo», recuerda. Con su relato, Grace pretende compartir las dificultades sufridas por los desertores norcoreanos y hacer un llamamiento a las sociedades democráticas para ayudarles a adaptarse a una vida sin miedo y en libertad de la que fueron privados en su país de origen. Desde que en 1953 se firmó el armisticio entre los dos lados del Paralelo 38, más de 30.000 norcoreanos han logrado desertar al país vecino, aunque desde la llegada del actual líder y de sus órdenes de reforzar las fronteras y tirar a matar, el número ha disminuido considerablemente.

Para todos ellos, el acercamiento entre las dos Coreas es una oportunidad única de poder reunirse con sus seres queridos –si es que todavía viven– y volver a su tierra natal. Por eso, estos colectivos continúan buscando la reunificación como una posibilidad real, algo que, por el contrario, los expertos ven cada vez más lejano. Es más factible que se firme la paz en la Península y se busquen otras formas de convivencia, como un estado federado, como apuntan algunos. «La reunificación no está en el programa de ninguno de los gobiernos. Hay muchos otros problemas y asuntos urgentes a debatir que no dejan espacio para la reunificación. Corea del Norte es un estado real, con un régimen que nunca aceptará rendirse y reunificar la península bajo la bandera del Sur», afirma a este diario la experta María Rosaria Coduti.

Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA interviewed with Swiss National Public Radio SRF.

Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA interviewed with Swiss National Public Radio SRF.

200 Flüchtlinge aus Nordkorea leben in den USA. Die Friedensbemühungen zwischen Nord- und Südkorea verfolgen sie genau, und mit Spannung, aber auch mit einer grossen Skepsis sehen sie dem angekündigten Gipfeltreffen zwischen Trump und Kim-Jong-Un entgegen

Nishi Nippon Shinbun, Japanese Newspaper interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA about the human rights of North Korean people.

Nishi Nippon Shinbun, Japanese Newspaper interviewed Grace Jo, Vice President of NKinUSA about the human rights of North Korean people.

Grace Jo wants the world to look in the problems of the human rights in North Korea.

French photographer published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives

French photographer, Stephan Gladieu, published a book of photographs about North Korean daily lives, but the photographer had to take pictu...